Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Sunday Night Blues

I have a bad case of the Sunday night blues.

It usually strikes after a wonderful weekend.

An epic weekend.

And this weekend was one of those.

Cuddles with my boys on Friday night. Basketball Saturday morning.

A visit from my BEST BEAUMONT FRIEND, Silvia. We shopped. We talked. We shared. We looked at shoes. She dragged me out of the shoe department. Then we met Kim and Leslie for a relaxing (read, "a bit too long but still fun") meal at my FAVORITE restaurant, Villa Montez. It's OK that we forgot it was Valentine's Day weekend and were there for almost FOUR couldn't beat the ambiance or the company. Then it was off to Rick's to sit on the back pation under the marvelous heaters and listen to Dustin Becker and his band.

I hated that Silvia had to leave. Especially on such a glorious day.

And today was glorious. You know the kind of day that makes your heart so happy that you feel like it could burst? The kind of day when everything (almost everything) is right with the world?

The boys built "a doghouse."

I enjoyed precious time with a precious person.


It was that kind of weekend.

It makes it SO MUCH HARDER to go back to work tomorrow. And work is a place that makes my heart happy. But before that, there's laundry. And mopping floors. And making school  lunches. Emptying the dishwasher, prepping dinner. Wrapping Valentine's gifts for the boys for tomorrow. Packing backpacks.

And that's why I've got the Sunday night blues. Maybe they'll sing about them at the Oscar's tonight. I mean, the Grammy's. ;-)

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