Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dear Debbie,

Dear Debbie,

As 39 million, 500 and 75 people, at least, have said, "I wish I would have...."

Make me 39,575,001. (x a billion)

I wish you could have known, when you were alive, how much you meant to me this summer.

We didn't know each other very long, barely a year, but you'll stay with me always.

You were one of the FIRST people I heard from in May and one of my biggest cheerleaders throughout the summer. Lunches, breakfasts, phone calls and championed me at a time in my life when I was feeling down. So down.

You saw something in me I never saw in myself. And told me over and over and over.

One of the things you told me was "take a leap."



I didn't take the leap you suggested. It wasn't quite my time.

But I WILL take that leap one day.

I know what you meant. I knew what your spirit intended.

And if my spirit can be half of yours, I know it will persevere.



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