Monday, October 3, 2011

Love/Hate: The Monday Edition

Things I LOVE: (God and my boys go without saying!!!)

* Amazing weekends.With amazing people.

The Oasis. Austin, Texas

* New friends! Liz, Beau, JT, Mrs. Nadine, Diana, even Natalie Rose. 

* Diet Coke.

* Best friends (Who'd BETTER BE HERE SOON.)

* Fire pits on chilly nights!
* Words with Friends!
*Pedicures (I need a good, blood red color. Any suggestions?)

*That my car still smelled like Dawn's coffee when I got in this morning!

*Fresh, hand-pulled mozzarella. Don't even get me started. (post to follow at some point this week!)

* My new favorite snack. These are AH-MA-ZING.

 * Text messages!!!!

Things I DISLIKE (hate is *such* an ugly word!)

* Amazing weekends that have to end.

* People who are late.

* Doctor's appointments first thing Monday morning.

* Diesel trucks.

* People who say, "You think you know it all but you have no idea," or some variation thereof, but never *tell you what you have "no idea" about. Such a copout.

* Soccer practice. Sorry, Coach.

* Cleaning (even though it's because fun friends are coming over tonight!)

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